Tips To Treat A Girl
How To Treat A Girl
Speaking Like a Gentleman
Speak with respect. When you talk to her, speak with respect. You should never rudely criticize her or say things which are demeaning. Just like it wouldn't be acceptable for
someone to say these things to you, it's not acceptable for you to say those things to her.[1] Try to think not only about how you'd feel if someone said something to you but
also think about how her own experiences might lead her to feel about what you said.
For example, only call her a girl if she is one. Is your girl older than, say, 20 years old? At that point you should be calling her a woman or a lady. When you call her girl, you're
making her seem like a child, implying that she can't do things for herself, think, or act like the capable adult she is.
Understand her. Get to really know her for who she really is, not just what you think she is or want her to be. Ask questions about her. Dig deep. Take an interest in what she
says, what she does, and what she wants. She'll notice that you do these things and it will show her that not only do you care about her but that you also respect who she is as
a person.
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Ask questions about her religion, her political views, what it was like for her growing up, what she wants for the future.
You can also ask the usual questions like her favorite color or food, but these kinds of things need to be balanced out with a deeper understanding of who she is.
Listen to what she says. When she talks, you should be listening. Don't tune her out because she "talks too much". Pay attention because you might learn things about her that
you didn't know before.[2]
Have a discussion when you have problems. Instead of fighting and insulting each other when you have a fight, talk things out. If you really want to treat both her and yourself
right, talk about things that bother you when they happen or very soon afterward. Bottling things up and "keeping score" will just make both of you miserable.
You also shouldn't talk behind her back. A lot of the time it's easier to complain about your girlfriend to everyone except for your girlfriend but this isn't fair to her and it isn't
helpful for you. Solve the problem instead by talking to her calmly and finding a solution together.
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Compliment her in the right ways. Of course you should give your girl lots of compliments but if you really want to treat her the way she deserves to be treated, you might want
to pay attention to how you give those compliments. With a little understanding, you will be giving great compliments that make her heart just beat off the chart.
You don't want to give them out all the time for no reason at all because it will devalue them.
You should focus on complimenting her when it matters, such as when she works really hard or does something really kind.
You should also watch the language that you use. Sometimes, even though a guy means to say something nice, he accidentally says something that is hurtful.
Watch what you say. You have to be careful about how you talk because it can reveal a lot about how you think and also make the woman you’re with very uncomfortable. Don’t
be vulgar, make off-color jokes, or be deliberately impolite (like farting in front of her). You also don’t want to talk rudely about people or talk about how sexy other women are. All
of these things may make her feel uncomfortable or hurt and you don’t want that.
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Generally be truthful but lie smart when you have to. When you talk to her, be truthful. Lying to her, even to be kind, isn't helpful and it won't help you to build a relationship of
trust. Don't tell her you'll be helping your sick grandma when really you just don't want to go see a chick flick with her. This kind of behavior is disrespectful and sets a bad
precedent. When you know that telling her the truth is going to be not only painful but also unproductive or unhelpful, try to lie by omission instead.
If she asks you something like the proverbial "Does this make me look fat?" question, then instead of saying something inevitably hurtful, turn the statement around and tell her
a truth. You can say something like, "I love the way that dress makes your body look but I think the yellow dress was way prettier overall."
Speaking Like a Gentleman
Speak with respect. When you talk to her, speak with respect. You should never rudely criticize her or say things which are demeaning. Just like it wouldn't be acceptable for
someone to say these things to you, it's not acceptable for you to say those things to her.[1] Try to think not only about how you'd feel if someone said something to you but
also think about how her own experiences might lead her to feel about what you said.
For example, only call her a girl if she is one. Is your girl older than, say, 20 years old? At that point you should be calling her a woman or a lady. When you call her girl, you're
making her seem like a child, implying that she can't do things for herself, think, or act like the capable adult she is.
Understand her. Get to really know her for who she really is, not just what you think she is or want her to be. Ask questions about her. Dig deep. Take an interest in what she
says, what she does, and what she wants. She'll notice that you do these things and it will show her that not only do you care about her but that you also respect who she is as
a person.
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Ask questions about her religion, her political views, what it was like for her growing up, what she wants for the future.
You can also ask the usual questions like her favorite color or food, but these kinds of things need to be balanced out with a deeper understanding of who she is.
Listen to what she says. When she talks, you should be listening. Don't tune her out because she "talks too much". Pay attention because you might learn things about her that
you didn't know before.[2]
Have a discussion when you have problems. Instead of fighting and insulting each other when you have a fight, talk things out. If you really want to treat both her and yourself
right, talk about things that bother you when they happen or very soon afterward. Bottling things up and "keeping score" will just make both of you miserable.
You also shouldn't talk behind her back. A lot of the time it's easier to complain about your girlfriend to everyone except for your girlfriend but this isn't fair to her and it isn't
helpful for you. Solve the problem instead by talking to her calmly and finding a solution together.
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Compliment her in the right ways. Of course you should give your girl lots of compliments but if you really want to treat her the way she deserves to be treated, you might want
to pay attention to how you give those compliments. With a little understanding, you will be giving great compliments that make her heart just beat off the chart.
You don't want to give them out all the time for no reason at all because it will devalue them.
You should focus on complimenting her when it matters, such as when she works really hard or does something really kind.
You should also watch the language that you use. Sometimes, even though a guy means to say something nice, he accidentally says something that is hurtful.
Watch what you say. You have to be careful about how you talk because it can reveal a lot about how you think and also make the woman you’re with very uncomfortable. Don’t
be vulgar, make off-color jokes, or be deliberately impolite (like farting in front of her). You also don’t want to talk rudely about people or talk about how sexy other women are. All
of these things may make her feel uncomfortable or hurt and you don’t want that.
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Generally be truthful but lie smart when you have to. When you talk to her, be truthful. Lying to her, even to be kind, isn't helpful and it won't help you to build a relationship of
trust. Don't tell her you'll be helping your sick grandma when really you just don't want to go see a chick flick with her. This kind of behavior is disrespectful and sets a bad
precedent. When you know that telling her the truth is going to be not only painful but also unproductive or unhelpful, try to lie by omission instead.
If she asks you something like the proverbial "Does this make me look fat?" question, then instead of saying something inevitably hurtful, turn the statement around and tell her
a truth. You can say something like, "I love the way that dress makes your body look but I think the yellow dress was way prettier overall."
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